The Undertaker's Potential Teammates For WWE Survivor Series 2015 - Ranked

6. The Dudley Boyz

The Dudley Boyz have been a much-needed boost to the tag team division and have been very helpful in providing the massively over New Day a popular, established babyface team to work with. They haven€™t lost a step in the ring and know how to pop a crowd, and their psychology is a positive for the inexperienced teams in WWE. Now that that feud seems to be winding down, it€™s time to look ahead to what the plans are for The Dudleys post-New Day. There are really only two or three teams with enough credibility to book them with, and one of them they€™ve already faced. Matching them up against Luke Harper and Erick Rowan seems like a natural fit and would be a good way to insert them into the Survivor Series bout. The Dudley Boyz also have a history with The Undertaker that can be referenced and putting them against The Family would only help Harper and Rowan in their development as a tag team. This one actually may happen and would make perfect sense if it did, so stay tuned and we€™ll see where they go with The Dudley Boyz.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.