The Undertaker's Potential Teammates For WWE Survivor Series 2015 - Ranked

4. Roman Reigns

This one would be a sure thing if it wasn€™t for the fact that last night was meant to be the punctuation on the program between Roman Reigns and Bray Wyatt. The two faced off in a very good match inside the ominous cell structure, and Roman walked out the victor. They went out of their way to tell viewers that the feud was over in a backstage vignette when Ambrose congratulated Reigns on ending things with The Wyatts. Add to that the word going around that WWE has plans to make Roman one of the top babyfaces while John Cena is absent, and it doesn€™t seem likely that he€™ll play the background in a multi-man match. It seems like he may be gearing up for a run at Seth Rollins and the WWE world championship sooner rather than later. It would be a shame for Reigns to be thrust back into the main event scene so soon because although WWE has been working patiently to rehabilitate him in the eyes of the fans, he€™s still not there yet. Roman is probably a guy that could use a heel turn to get him back on track and let the fans get those boos out of their system, but Vince is apparently going to stubbornly forge ahead with making him €œThe Guy.€ Either way, it€™s probably a 50/50 chance he ends up on Team Undertaker for Survivor Series.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.