The Undertaker's Potential Teammates For WWE Survivor Series 2015 - Ranked

5. Sting

This one seems like a no-brainer; Sting the vigilante teaming up with The Undertaker to battle the new millennium version of their characters. Bray Wyatt uses elements of both men in his persona and is the ideal foil for the two legends. Since it doesn€™t appear we€™re ever going to get the elusive Sting/Taker Mania match, this could be considered the next best thing. The only problem that could prevent this from happening is the injury Sting sustained in his match with Seth Rollins. Vince and Triple H may deem him too big of a risk to put back in the ring, especially this soon after he was hurt. It was an accident, but at Sting€™s age you can never be too careful and there€™s no way they want the publicity of a guy in his mid-50s getting paralyzed on their watch. That being said, Survivor Series is the ideal match to bring him back in. He could tag in and out without taking any bumps and do very little work. Just his presence on the apron will add to the bout, and seeing he and The Undertaker team up for the first time would be a truly iconic moment to remember.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.