TNA Bound For Glory 2016: Ranking Every Match From Worst To Best

4. 10-Man Bound For Gold Gauntlet

TNA Bound For Glory 2016 Hardys

Result: Eli Drake eliminates Tyrus and Jessie Godderz to win (15:19).

Rating: This match would've been a lot more interesting if anyone involved in it had a chance of ever becoming TNA World Heavyweight Champion.

Intermittently enjoyable at best, it was fun seeing the Bro-Mans turn on one another for a moment, but the real highlight was Grado being eliminated in mere seconds and the crowd sarcastically following up with a "Bulls***!" chant.

For what it was it went on far too long and just sucked the air out of the arena, even if it was nice to see Eli Drake get the rub and it had some fun moments. Watchable, but not very memorable.



Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.