TNA Impact Review - 28/2/13

X-Division Championship - Rob Van Dam Vs. Kenny King In a rematch from last week's encounter, Rob Van Dam agreed to give Kenny King one last shot at the championship, on the condition that if King were to lose again, he can no longer compete in the X-Division. King accepted the opportunity, and we get our second championship match of the evening. The crowd is firmly behind the Whole F'N Show here tonight, but King still appears to be in a confident mood. The match begins with some mat-wrestling one-on-one, but the match is quickly heated up by a odd-looking but effective German Suplex by Van Dam. Soon, though, King is able to get Van Dam to the outside, and is able to land on his feet impressively following a missed corkscrew dive over the top, before the champion quickly capitalises with a springboard kick to the face, followed by a guillotine leg drop on King's body on the guard rail. When the action returns from the break, King is able to gain control of the flow of this important match with an acrobatic kick to the back of the neck of Van Dam. King shows his aggressive nature by taking shot after shot to the face of the prone champion, and continues to taunt him at every opportunity. When setting up for the dropick in the corner, RVD is able to block it with an impressive roll up using only his legs for leverage. After connecting with a running heel kick and the Rolling Thunder, RVD ascends the top turnbuckle and prepares to fly. But instead of his Five-Star Frogsplash, he attempts the 450-Splash but misses as King rolls away. This leads to an awkward moment as King attempts the cover, but only gets two, despite the fact that I feel that he was meant to get the win there. Instead he connects with the Royal Flush to a dazed RVD, and with that we have a new X-Division Champion. The King gets to sit on the X-Division's throne. WINNER, AND NEW X DIVISION CHAMPION: Kenny King
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I am a British student currently studying at the University of York, and have a passionate interest in WWE, English football (soccer) and video gaming.