TNA’s 2024 Return: 10 Things That MUST Happen

7. Aggressively Promote Ticket Sales


This will be unavoidable, especially if TNA is going to run bigger buildings.

Bums in seats will be the main metric for success there. One thing the company absolutely must do is tear up the old script and get more aggressive than ever before about selling tickets. Honestly, that's something they always sucked at during the original run, and that needs to change immediately.

Management, wrestlers, staff and even fans must shout from the rooftops about the kind of product they've got to sell. It was depressing as all f*ck to see TNA house shows starring names like Kurt Angle and Jeff Hardy struggling to sell out high school gyms many moons ago.

That can never be allowed to happen again. A savvy marketing strategy is essential, 'cause people must be made aware of when TNA is coming to town. No more, 'Oh, there's live wrestling on tonight?' when workers check into hotels nearby. That's just embarrassing!

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.