TNA Weekly Review - 14/2/2013

Hogan Makes Up His Mind After watching all the matches, having Brooke try to persuade him to consider the currently injured Bully Ray, and a final pep-talk from Sting, Hulk Hogan makes his way to the ring to choose who should be the new challenger to Hardy's World Championship. However, his announcement is interrupted by the arrival of multiple members of the Aces & Eights surrounding the ring and looking to send a message to the Hulkster. But, before they have their chance, Bully Ray slowly hobbles towards the ring with a steel chain, soon followed by Sting with two baseball bats and a cricket bat. This three-man front is enough to frighten away the six or so Aces & Eights members, as this proves to be a less than successful edition of Impact for them. That proves to be the end of this episode of Impact, and what can we expect next week? Will Aces & Eights actually show some nerve and attack anybody in the ring that is facing them? Will Angle and Joe get their revenge on the team of Bischoff and Brisco? Will there be a new Knockout's Champion? And who will Hogan choose to face Jeff hardy for the World Heavyweight Championship? The show was very good this week, with a massive emphasis on wrestling after a few weeks concentrating on storyline building, and hopefully the brand will continue to produce these sort of nights as it could really set them apart from WWE in the future. So, once again from a great crowd in England, stay tuned for next week's review.
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I am a British student currently studying at the University of York, and have a passionate interest in WWE, English football (soccer) and video gaming.