Triple H: 5 Awesome Matches And 5 That Sucked

1. Triple H Vs Shawn Michaels - Summerslam 2002 It doesn't come as a huge surprise that three of Hunter's most awesome matches have involved Shawn Michaels. The two best friends have unbelievable in-ring chemistry, an almost telepathic understanding of what to do. At Summerslam 2002, Triple H took on Shawn Michaels in an unsanctioned street fight. HBK had not wrestled for four years, and it was down to Hunter to carry the action. He did so with assured confidence, getting Michaels through 27 minutes of entertaining action. The weapons were used to great effect, never over done or under done, they came into play in a natural way. Hunter's selling helped put Michales right back on the map in the WWE, and the next match after this saw HBK winning the World Title in the first ever Elimination Chamber match. It's interesting to note that when picking some of Triple H's best matches, three of them have involved weapons. The Game is obsessed almost with his legacy as a technician in the ring, but on this evidence he will be best remembered as a brutal brawler who worked some of the best gimmick matches ever in the WWE. Now on to 5 Triple H matches that sucked...
WWE Writer

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