Triple H: 5 Awesome Matches And 5 That Sucked

2. Triple H Vs Batista - World Title Hell In A Cell Match, Vengeance 2005 Triple H has contested many great hell in a cell bouts. I very nearly went with his Wrestlemania effort against The Undertaker, or his 2004 epic Cell clash with Shawn Michaels. However, I will go with his 2005 match with Batista for this list, because this was Hunter at his best - making a star. The Cerebral Assassin took under his wing a muscle man who couldn't wrestle or talk. A year later and Triple H had made the man into a genuine main eventer, who would go on to make the WWE a load of money. That is a pro wrestler at their very best, getting someone over. It is even more testament to Hunter's greatness that he managed to make a star of someone who seemed hugely unlikely to ever make it. The Hell in a Cell title match with Batista was the culmination of the feud. Hunter had put Batista over at Wrestlemania 21 and Backlash 2005. The Hell in a Cell encounter was the pick of their trilogy, a real brawling hardcore classic. The blood spilled and the weapon bashes were abundant. The clash rolled on as a raucously entertaining spectacle, and climaxed with a solid creative finish. Batista kicked out of a pedigree, and reversed a second attempt into a spine buster. He set up the Batista Bomb, but as Hunter was lifted he managed to grab his sledge hammer. Hoisted in the air, Hunter raised the sledgehammer and was about to crash it into Batista's skull but 'The Animal' executed the slam just in time. Cover, 1,2,3. Triple H had made Batista, and had done so in one of the best matches of 2005.
WWE Writer

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