Triple H: Face Or Heel?

10. Attire

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Face: This is a tough one to start out with, because Triple H wore those simple black trunks on both sides of the alignment argument. As a baby, he also had a short stint in some marvellously shiny purple/green/whatever colour he felt like tights.

The logo trunks with "HHH" on the back are iconic though.

Heel: Clad in jodhpurs, Hunter Hearst Helmsley looked like he'd just galloped in on his favourite steed back in the mid-'90s. This look admittedly accentuated his impressive upper body, but it's nowhere near as fondly-remembered as his trunks

Winner: Face wins here, if only 'cause the purple DX tights were better than the dull black ones, and the trunks became an ever-present.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.