Triple H: Face Or Heel?

9. Crowd Interaction

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Face: Fans who lived through the era could probably ring off Hunter's "Are You Ready?" D-Generation X speech without much effort. His cries of, "Let's get ready to suuuuuuuuck iiiIiiiiiit!" reverberated around arenas, and thousands (millions on pay-per-view, don't you know) chanted along with him.

Heel: As a heel, Trips' was less about interacting with the fans and more about antagonising them. Thus, he rarely involved them in his promos beyond boring the arse off everyone for around 20 minutes at the start of every Raw episode in 2002.

That wasn't good crowd interaction, and it wasn't all that entertaining.

Winner: Face by a mile. The DX years were kind to Triple H in this respect.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.