Triple H's 10 Most Notorious Urban Legends

1. He Cheated On Chyna With Stephanie McMahon

Story: Triple H brought Chyna to WWE. She became his bodyguard and it was well known that they were a couple. She was part of the original DX with Shawn Michaels and Hunter in 1997. She remained at his side for the next few years as well. When Hunter got his big career break in 1999 they started to break away with Chyna becoming more of a wrestler that was competing with the guys, even winning the Intercontinental Title. Hunter was a top guy that was thrust into a major storyline when, in the storyline, he "drugged" Stephanie McMahon into marrying. That led to a match with Vince McMahon where Stephanie turned on her dad. Hunter's storyline marriage with Stephanie was a big angle in 2000 when Hunter became a top guy while Chyna was still in the company. By 2001 apparently Hunter cheated on Chyna with Stephanie and Chyna's career in WWE was over that same year. Here's how Chyna explained it in a 2011 interview: "This was my love, this was my career. I need to know because I didn€™t want to lose my career. He just kept saying, €˜It wasn€™t, wasn€™t wasn€™t,€™ but his attitude had changed. I actually did the snoop. I found a love letter from Stephanie McMahon that had been dated from the previous year so I knew that there was a year affair going on. Within five minutes I called Vince McMahon and he was basically like, €˜Okay, well, the jig is up.'" Hunter went on to marry Stephanie in 2003 and Chyna is almost never mentioned by WWE. Why People Believe It: Chyna has been blackballed by WWE. She's probably not going to be in the WWE Hall of Fame even though she deserves it based on her credentials. She did hurt her cause because she went into porn after her WWE run, so they can always use that as an excuse. Should We Believe It: Absolutely. Hunter was dating Chyna, he cheated on her with Stephanie and Chyna's WWE career was over as soon as her contract was up. They absolutely destroyed her career just because they were a couple. It's pretty cruel when you think about it. Then again from Hunter's point of view he dumped Chyna to date the daughter of his boss. That's quite the upgrade. --- That's all for this week's Urban Legends feature. The three previous editions were about Hulk Hogan, Vince McMahon and The Undertaker. Let us know who you want to see next!

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to with any questions or comments as well.