Triple H's 10 Most Notorious Urban Legends

3. He May Have Used Steroids

Story: Triple H started in WWE in 1995 when he was 26 years old. Even though he had a background in bodybuilding he didn't look like one of those muscle head wrestlers that fans associated with using steroids. For the next two or three years he didn't look that big either. Things changed after a knee injury in 1998. When Triple H returned to action a few months later after that injury he looked a lot bigger. People online were mocking it calling it the "Triple H Diet" as a way of saying that he must have used steroids or some supplements to get bigger. In the summer of 1999 he ascended to the main event level. He looked much bigger than he did two years and even one year earlier. Here's how Hunter discussed the steroid subject in 2002: "I don't condone its use. But I understand its place. I don't have a problem with people who take steroids. It's a great medicine for people who need it, and it has a place in the world just like any other medication. If a doctor feels that's what you need to improve your health or life and puts you on it, then that's great. However, if you take it without any sort of prescription, then it's just like any other drug, and you shouldn't take it. It should only be given by a doctor." At no point has he ever publicly admitted to using steroids. It's unlikely that he would ever admit it. That doesn't mean he hasn't done it. It's also not a big deal because wrestling is entertainment not sport.
Why People Believe It: Look at how his body changed. It's not a natural progression. He was also much bigger when he returned to the ring in 2002 after his first torn quad injury. Should We Believe It: Yes because he probably took them at some point. His answer about using them during rehab suggests that he likely took them when he was coming back from injuries. That doesn't mean he's a heavy steroid user now, though. If you think he's 100% absolutely clean you're being naive about it.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to with any questions or comments as well.