Ultimate Warrior: 5 Things To Forget And 5 Things To Remember

4. The SummerSlam Walkout

Summerslam 1991 One thing touched on by the "Self Destruction" DVD that Warrior did earn blame for was the way in which he handled a pay dispute with Vince McMahon at the 1991 SummerSlam pay-per-view extravaganza. Booked in the night's main event, a two-on-three handicap tag match that would see him partner with Hulk Hogan to face Sgt. Slaughter, Colonel Mustafa and General Adnan, Warrior refused to go to the ring for the match if he did not receive a pay raise. He wanted to be paid the same as Hulk Hogan, whom he believed he was every bit the star attraction as. With no other option available outside of disappointing both live and viewing audiences, McMahon agreed to the demands and Warrior did business. Of course, Warrior was fired immediately after walking through the curtain, ending his four-year tenure with the company. SummerSlam was one instance of Warrior allowing his ego to get in the way of what was best for business, to use a quote that gets thrown around a lot today. Rather than meeting with McMahon in a civil setting and handling the situation like two businessmen, Warrior made threats and once one does that, there is no going back. A poor decision from Warrior that, thankfully, he was given the opportunity to make up for eight months later when he returned to WWE at WrestleMania VIII.

Erik Beaston is a freelance pro wrestling writer who likes long walks in the park, dandelions and has not quite figured out that this introduction is not for Match.com. He resides in Parts Unknown, where he hosts weekly cookouts with Kane, The Ultimate Warrior, Papa Shango and The Boogeyman. Be jealous.