The Undertaker: 15 Shocking Videos He Doesn't Want You To See

2. Crying We have mentioned that Undertaker is obsessed with appearing tough and can be quite precious about it, to the point that he was only willing to drop his Mania streak to a freak MMA athlete like Brock Lesnar. Given his desire to be perceived as tough, he definitely doesn't want to be pictured crying. However, in 2008 at Ric Flair's retirement party, Undertaker just couldn't help himself - tears came streaming down his face. The video above illustrates the close bond Undertaker had with Flair. He gets into the ring and bows on one knee to Naitch, before standing and hugging Flair in a genuine show of emotion. Both men are of the old school and worked together at WrestleMania X8. There's a big mutual respect. Upon exiting the ring and applauding his old friend, the camera focuses on Undertaker for a second, revealing that he's crying his eyes out. Flair should have saved him the heartache, the Nature Boy was back wrestling a year later.
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