The Undertaker: 15 Shocking Videos He Doesn't Want You To See

1. He Broke Character On Raw The following 'worked shoot' video is demonstrative of Undertaker breaking every value he holds dear. Appearing on Raw without any of his gimmick, this angle presents him as any man like you or I. He looks distinctively ordinary, clad in a basic jumper and joggers. The way he speaks is also breaking the kayfabe of his character, he talks as if he is exposing the reality of backstage, describing how he has been victimised by his boss. All this wording is doing the one thing WWE should never do with Undertaker, it's making him mortal, making him appear as a man with problems like any other person. In some ways the angle was also stepping on the toes of Steve Austin, who was far more suited to the 'working class' storyline. It's a period you aren't going to see on any Undertaker career highlight reel. He wants you to remember him as the mythical figure of the Deadman, not as the guy who stood in the ring in his gym gear complaining about his boss.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.