The Undertaker: 7 Candidates For His Retirement Match

6. The Rock

There are few wrestlers that would likely be able to convince The Rock to have a match at WrestleMania because he may never wrestle again. He was injured last year and the year before that. Now that he's in his mid 40s and looking as muscular as ever, he's more injury prone these days. If a Hollywood director tells him he can't wrestle because he will put his health at risk then maybe he would say now. However, if Undertaker wanted to have a match with him at WrestleMania would he say no? That's hard to know. The Rock is the biggest name in wrestling that could have a match with Undertaker. Perhaps it could be argued that Steve Austin is bigger, but he hasn't had a match in 11 years and the thought of him wrestling again is unlikely. It would feel like a special match because they really didn't wrestle that much when they were in their prime in WWE. Rock always seemed to be against other people. There were a few matches between them, but it's really not one of the best rivalries of either man's career. Seeing The Undertaker going one on one with The Great One at WrestleMania would be one of the biggest matches WWE could ever promote. That's why they have to consider it.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to with any questions or comments as well.