The Undertaker's 10 Best Moments From The Attitude Era

4. Inferno Match vs. Kane - Unforgiven 1998

The feud between The Undertaker and Kane was already off to a great start, but it needed something different. It needed a new element to help take it to the next level. When the WWF put together the first Inferno Match, it gave the feud the element it needed. With the entire ring surrounded by fire, Taker and Kane competed and tried to end each other's career. It was something that the large majority of WWF fans had never seen before, as things like Japanese Deathmatches had yet to fully make their way around the internet for the world to witness. The fact that one of them would literally have to be on fire to lose the match captured the attention and imagination of everyone watching. The match was the solid "big man brawl" everyone wanted to see, but with the added layer of psychology featuring both men trying to avoid the ropes. Yes, having to do every one of your moves towards the center of the ring limits matches a bit, as fans of No-Rope Barbed Wire Matches can attest to, but it keeps the drama high, as fans see the tension and anticipate the attempted rope spots even more. When Taker kicked Kane into the fire, and Kane's arm was set ablaze (safely, and some would say, poorly), it was done in a way where you just knew it wasn't going to be the end of their feud, and it certainly wasn't.

Columnist/Podcaster/Director at for nearly seven years, with nearly 2000 total columns written. Interviewed and/or involved in interviewing the likes of Tyler Black/Seth Rollins (twice), Diamond Dallas Page, Jimmy Jacobs, Christopher Daniels, Uhaa Nation and more.