Velveteen Dream Court Date Cancelled, Charges Dropped?
Latest on Patrick 'Velveteen Dream' Clark's legal situation.

Patrick 'Velveteen Dream' Clark's 28 September court hearing has been cancelled after charges of battery and trespassing on a property stemming from a 20 August arrest were deemed "not suitable for prosecution."
Per court records (h/t PWInsider), prosecutors deemed that they did not have enough to proceed with the case against Clark. Thus, those charges are no longer applicable.
Clark was alleged to have been involved in a confrontation with a gym employee in Orlando, Florida on 20 August. When asked to leave part of the gym so that it could be cleaned, Clark, per police reports, was "irate and argumentative", threatening to kill the staff member. They then got into a fight, with Clark biting the other person, who was left with teeth marks on his "left chest near the left armpit". Having pleaded "not guilty", the 27-year-old was released on a $1,200 bond.
Clark was arrested again on 26 August, this time on an out-of-county warrant citing "possession of drug paraphernalia." It appears, for now, that this charge is still in play.
Fightful reported last week that WWE has no interest in bringing Clark back. The former Velveteen Dream competed for the market leaders from 2015 until his May 2021 release.