Vince Russo's 10 Biggest “What If” Moments In WWE History

5. What If ECW Would Have Stayed In Business?

There€™s one thing that Paul Heyman and myself have in common€”we can go toe-to-toe with the best of them when it comes to creative, but business€”not so much. That€™s one of the main reasons why I have made it a RULE to stay in my lane when it comes to my role in the sports-entertainment business. With ECW, we all know that the product was there€”no question€”but, the business acumen just wasn€™t. And do to that weakness, ECW folded up tent when the company was thriving as far as fan support and popularity was concerned. Had ECW stayed in existence, no doubt that would have been what was BEST FOR BUSINESS. Can you imagine if ECW would have been able to overcome its financial woes and WCW actually had the BACKING of AOL/Time-Warner? Where would the wrestling industry be almost 15 years later? Answer: In far better shape than it is at the moment.
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Vince Russo
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Former head of creative for the WWF and WCW during the most crucial period in wrestling industry history. Currently working on, writing weekly slideshows exclusively for