Vince Russo's 10 Biggest “What If” Moments In WWE History

6. What If Jeff Jarrett Never Loses Power At TNA?

Two weeks into his TNA venture, Jeff Jarrett lost his backing which sent him reeling back. With not too many other options available to him, Jeff made the decision to sell part of his company to Janice and Bob Carter who had a successful business, Panda Energy, out of Dallas, Texas. Their interest in the company would be overseen on a day-to-day basis by their daughter, Dixie Carter, who was doing PR work for Jeff and TNA Wrestling at the time. The rest is history. I worked directly under Dixie Carter for the good part of a decade, and during my time I witnessed just bad decision after bad decision. I knew, based on my experience, that it was only going to be a matter of time...before everything caught up with Dixie€”and, obviously it has. Perhaps Dixie€™s biggest mistake was allowing the tail to wag the dog over time when it came to her relationship at TNA. Slowly, but surely, Spike gained more and more power in dictating business to TNA, because quite frankly Dixie was unsure of herself and Spike sensed that. I don€™t believe that Jeff Jarrett would have ever allowed that to happen. Just recently as they were attempting to negotiate a new deal with TNA, a high ranking TNA official told me that Dixie was like the high school cheerleader pursuing the quarterback. Just really poor business judgement in my view. Had Jarrett stayed in charge of TNA, I am convinced that the company would have taken a very different course over the years.
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Vince Russo
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Former head of creative for the WWF and WCW during the most crucial period in wrestling industry history. Currently working on, writing weekly slideshows exclusively for