Vince Russo's 10 Biggest “What If” Moments In WWE History

3. What If Triple H Never Married Stephanie McMahon?

This is an interesting one. As Vince McMahon began to age perhaps even a bit past HIS prime, who would have be the one who was being groomed to take his €œspot€ so to speak? Would Shane McMahon have ever left the company had not Triple H ever entered the picture? If Triple H hadn€™t married into the famous family would Stephanie have been the €œChosen One€? Would there have been an all-out-brawl between brother and sister for the ultimate power of THE BOOK?!!! And, where would we be with Stephanie in complete control? Or, Shane? What kind of a WWE would we actually be seeing today? Would either of his children have stood up to Vince, or, would they just have continued to allow Vince to run the show into his SEVENTH DECADE? Just some real interesting questions present themselves with that one!
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Vince Russo
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Former head of creative for the WWF and WCW during the most crucial period in wrestling industry history. Currently working on, writing weekly slideshows exclusively for