Vince Russo's 10 Life Lessons In The Wrestling Business

3. Gimmick Matches Always Outdraw Normal Matches

Over the years I have been accused of booking entirely too many €œgimmick€ matches. As a matter of fact, some critics even believe that I actually invented the €œon a pole match€, which of course---I didn€™t---I would like to take the credit---but, I didn€™t. If I am guilty of booking too many gimmick matches throughout my career, I€™ll GLADLY take the jail time. Why? Because if you look at the numbers, 99.9% of the gimmick matches on TV, FAR out-view the straight up wrestling matches---that is a fact---not an opinion. So now common sense asks you, if gimmick matches are more of a draw---then WHY wouldn€™t you book more of them? Well---THAT€™S WHAT I WANT TO KNOW!!! At the end of the day you have to give the masses what they want, in order to keep them coming---and stay in business.

Former head of creative for the WWF and WCW during the most crucial period in wrestling industry history. Currently working on, writing weekly slideshows exclusively for