Vince Russo's 10 Reasons WWE Will Never Be Great Again

5. Too Much Emphasis On Wrestling / Wrestling Rules No Longer Apply

In an effort to keep my list at ten, I€™m going to cheat here by combing two points into one. Especially when it comes to TNA today, too much emphasis is being put on €œin-ring€ wrestling minutes in the show. In other words, more matches less €œshow€. This is so wrong on so many simple levels. WRESTLING FANS WILL ALWAYS WATCH A WRESTLING SHOW, TELEVISION VIEWERS WON€™T. If you are a fan of wrestling, you will watch any show on TV that has the word WRESTLING in its title. If you are a television viewer and you don€™t like wrestling---then you won€™t watch wrestling. Therefore, you have to capture the masses with something other than €œmatches€. You have to garner their attention with the other elements of a television show that they are used to seeing€”drama, conflict, romance, comedy, violence, intrigue, etc. You have to make wrestling an ENTERTAINMENT show in order to capture mainstream America. That€™s exactly why the Attitude Era drew the masses---there was something for everybody! Going hand-in-hand with that, the archaic rules of wrestling today are both embarrassing and laughable at times. In what world could a champion get himself disqualified in a match, or simple RUN AWAY to the back and STILL retain his title? How plain STUPID is that today?! How many times am I going to see a guy climb to the third rope---watch the referee start to count while telling the guy to get down (I guess coming off the top rope is still illegal in 2014), then the guy jumps off the top, hits the €œillegal move€ and the ref does NOTHING! I swear to you, at some point Moe, Larry and Curly had to have been the ones to actually WRITE the wrestling rule book, but in 2014, it needs to be thrown out the window, and replaced with rules that make sense TO NORMAL PEOPLE!!! The wrestling business at some point needs to make itself stop looking so damn stupid!
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Vince Russo
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Former head of creative for the WWF and WCW during the most crucial period in wrestling industry history. Currently working on, writing weekly slideshows exclusively for