Vince Russo's 10 Worst WWE Ideas

1. The Brawl For All

Vic Venom Wwe

It's a tale as old as time, and Vince Russo will tell it to you himself as he famously did in a KayfabeCommentaries shoot: once upon a time, JBL (then known as Bradshaw), was bragging to anyone who would listen that he could take on anyone in a legitimate fight. Russo, who was not a fan of Bradshaw, came up with an idea that would increase the chances of Bradshaw getting his head kicked in.

Now before the anti-JBL readers out there start praising Russo for his idea, just know: that idea was the Brawl For All. Roundly mocked as one of the worst ideas in WWE history, the bizarre boxing-wrestling hybrid shoot tournament wasted countless television time in 1998, bored crowds to anger, and hurt many careers. Obviously, there was the issue of shoving people of various combat experience in a legit fighting tournament, resulting in many midcarders (Godfather, Steve Blackman, Hawk, etc) getting injured.

And of course, being that it was a shoot, when the eventual winner of the tournament was a guy they had absolutely zero plans for (Bart Gunn), that meant there was zero meaningful payoff.

Oh, my mistake. Bart Gunn got a singles match at the following WrestleMania... where he was knocked out by Butterbean in a boxing match.

Bro, Vince, can I be honest with you, bro? Why?

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Vince Russo
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