WCPW Loaded Episode 8: 10 Awesome Moments

5. Old Foes Open Up The Kurt Angle Invitational Rumble

Primate Joe Hendry
Oli Sandler / The Ringside Perspective

Since What Culture Pro Wrestling came to be, Martin Kirby and El Ligero just haven't been able to see eye to eye. In fact, even before WCPW existed, the pair had been beating the snot out of one another in independent promotions across the United Kingdom. Their issues continued to burn on Loaded this week.

Kirby was the first entrant in the Kurt Angle Invitational Rumble, but he was soon joined by Ligero. Pulling a marathon shift, the popular Mexican wanted to put the disappointment of losing out on the WCPW Title behind him. Securing a bout with Kurt Angle on October 6 would have been fantastic for his career.

Often, Rumble matches have an air of fate surrounding them. Things were no different in this 15-man version, what were the chances that Kirby and Ligero would be the first two out of the hat? Not up for any fun and games, Ligero was all business during this one, and did outlast his main rival.

Even though big stars, neither man would be left standing come the end.


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