WCW/ECW Alliance - Where Are They Now?

Shawn Stasiak

Providing a bit of comic relied during the ostensibly ultra-serious Invasion (the future of the WWE was at stake, or whatever), Shawn Stasiak gave us some of the angle's funniest moments. In an effort to impress Alliance leader Steve Austin, Stasiak unsuccessfully attempted to attack WWE stars like Kurt Angle and The Rock. His attempts usually ended with him running face-first into something. Perhaps this portrayal had something to do with how Stasiak left the company in 1999 - he was thrown out when he was found to be secretly recording wrestlers' conversations. What a muppet... Stasiak was injured in November and returned to Raw in spring 2002 as 'Planet' Stasiak. He was featured on Raw for a little while, getting destroyed by Big Show and Brock Lesnar and winning the Hardcore Title, before requesting his release in September 2002. Since leaving WWE, Stasiak has done very well for himself. He works as a chiropractor and a motivational speaker (as a masked character named Fobia). Recently, Stasiak has been lobbying for a shot at the WWE Title through a series of YouTube videos. He's still waiting for WWE to call... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bSbvGH3ZUI

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...