WCW's 10 Biggest Mistakes

3. David Arquette

WWE.comWWE.comThere have been many questionable choices as World Champions through the years. People have won World Titles when they were way past their prime. People have won World Titles when fans didn't see them as being on that level. There have even been people who won World Titles because they were in positions of authority and nobody could really tell them anything otherwise. WCW giving David Arquette their World Title was unlike anything pro wrestling fans had ever seen before. Arquette was an actor with no wrestling experience. A scrawny, annoying actor, at that. In an attempt to get people talking, WCW not only decided to put Arquette in the ring, but to give him the WCW Title. The belt has a lineage unlike anything in wrestling history, as some of the very best of the best in the business have held it... and then comes Arquette. Yes, it got people talking, so mission accomplished, but it wasn't talking in a positive way. The Nitro before Arquette won the title (he won it on an episode of Thunder) saw a 3.1 rating. The Nitro after Arquette won the title saw a 2.5 rating, which represents a huge drop in fans. That's a lot of people who watched Nitro one week, and then for some strange reason, decided not to tune in the following week. Kudos to Arquette for donating his entire WCW paycheck to the families of Owen Hart, Darren Drozdov, and Brian Pillman, but when you stop and look at this moment, it's not difficult to figure out why WCW was out of business less than a year later.

Columnist/Podcaster/Director at LordsOfPain.net for nearly seven years, with nearly 2000 total columns written. Interviewed and/or involved in interviewing the likes of Tyler Black/Seth Rollins (twice), Diamond Dallas Page, Jimmy Jacobs, Christopher Daniels, Uhaa Nation and more.