What 10 WWE Comebacks Would Look Like

1. CM Punk

Rey Mysterio

This is the big one. The one that’s the least likely to happen, but in this industry, the motto is always the same: never say never. Indeed, while CM Punk and WWE had the ugliest divorce of the modern era, time and the mutual desire to make money can heal all wounds. WWE would certainly be keen to bring back Punk to satiate the fans and sell merch, and if Punk finds the willingness to let bygones be bygones and lace up his boots again, there’s nothing stopping them from reuniting.

Should Punk return, he would quickly shoot into the main event with the most prominent storyline in the company. His comeback would have to address many elephants in the room, and much like the summer of Punk angle in 2011, the lines of reality and fiction would be infinitely blurred. Vince would be involved, Stephanie would be involved, Heyman would likely have a few choice words, and most of all: Triple H would have to take center stage. After all, the majority of bad blood resides in Punk’s resentment toward Hunter for his apparent disrespect. The two would have a blood feud that would likely do gangbusters, and it would perhaps give Punk the WrestleMania main event he always wanted.

Or not. As we’ve established: Punk’s return is the least likely to happen. But if WWE can mend fences with just about anyone, Charles Montgomery Punk is on that list.

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Rey Mysterio
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