“What If” Scenarios That Would Have Transformed WWE History

2. 'Stone Cold' Didn't Hurt His Neck

Bret Hart Vince McMahon

Though fans would still witness a great many iconic 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin moments in the years that followed SummerSlam 1997, that match vs. Owen Hart unquestionably altered both 'The Texas Rattlesnake's career and WWE history.

In the wake of having his neck accidentally injured by the late Hart family member, Austin was forced to undergo surgery a few years later before eventually having to call time on his legendary run at the age of just 38 due to that injury and a few others in 2003.

Though he would eventually return for one more gripping match with Kevin Owens 19 years later at WrestleMania 38, of course.

And while that bad neck did ultimately force a change in style to more of a brawler, something that definitely complemented his badass anti-hero character, the time he spent on the sidelines due to it actually also give the likes of The Rock, Chris Jericho, and Triple H the chance to really make an impact at the top of the card.

So, in a world where Austin never found himself on the receiving end of a dodgy piledriver, perhaps those aforementioned performers wouldn't have had the opportunity to evolve into superstars.

But that alternate version of WWE history could have also possibly seen 'The Bionic Redneck' continuing to lead the company and raising hell at a high level in-between the ropes well into his 40s.

And you'll struggle to find a single soul alive who wouldn't let out a big ol' "Hell Yeah!" at the thought of another few years of 'Stone Cold' whooping ass in his prime.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...