Why SummerSlam 1992 Is The Greatest WWE PPV Of The “Golden Era”
It's coming home, It's coming home, It's coming... Wrestling's coming home!

Wrestling is full of eras. Attitude, Ruthless Aggression and the Monday Night Wars to name but a few, which are also possibly the most recognised. However, the era that I will always hold closest to my heart, as will most people my age, is the Golden Era. This was when I first got into wrestling. A wonderful period of faces that you love, heels that you hate, iconic voices on commentary and before the internet had destroyed kayfabe.
When this period started in 1988, I was 10 years old and wrestling was real. We were treated to some great PPVs between then and 1993 when the New Generation kicked in. Now, while WrestleMania V will always occupy a special place in my heart due to the fact is was the first 'Mania I ever saw, there's one show that stands out even more as possibly the greatest of this era. SummerSlam 1992. So, without any further dallying, sit back and let me explain why.
P.S. This article includes spoilers. For anyone reading this that hasn't seen this show, you really need to watch it!
7. It was in England!

Imagine 14 year old me still fairly early in my career as a wrestling fan, mesmerized by the old guard who were still going strong (Hulk Hogan, The Ultimate Warrior, Macho Man Randy Savage, etc.) and the new generation coming through (Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker, etc.).
It's coming close to summer, 'Mania is over and I'm getting ready for “The Biggest Party of the Summer”. And then I discover that it's in England. That's right: just down the road from where was living in Cambridgeshire! Suddenly, SummerSlam takes on a new life.
When it finally started I'm seeing London buses, English coppers and shops that I recognise. Then the WWF-ness kicks in! A royal fanfare, that looking back in retrospect reminds me of a scene from Robin Hood – Men in Tights! Then Bobby Heenan declaring himself as Sir Bobby Heenan, puts on the crown and states, “I'm the King of England!”
Looking back I can't help but laugh. Then you see the beautiful panned out shots of Wembley Stadium. When I see them now I get such a warm feeling inside. This is shaping up well.