Wild Sh*t Wrestling Did You’ve TOTALLY Forgotten About

10 mad moments in WWE, AEW and TNA you've probably forgotten for a good reason!

Edge Paul Bearer Kidnap

What's the wildest wrestling moment you remember? Steve Austin's beer bath? Mae Young scarring everyone at the 2000 Royal Rumble by unleashing her prosthetic "puppies"? Perhaps something more modern like CM Punk screwing Drew McIntyre out of the World Title in Scotland would suit.

All of those are memorable though.

This chaotic group of promos, storyline horrors and mid-match moments slip out of the conversation whenever fans sit down to chew the fat on craziness from WWE, AEW, TNA and more. For example, you probably won't remember D-Generation X literally advertising the competition on Raw, or just how poorly All Elite followed up on erm...fireworks between Kenny Omega and Jon Moxley.

How about brutal pandemic skits that left everyone needing one of those mind-erasing devices Will Smith carried around with him for Men In Black? Also, just try naming the celebrity who defeated in-ring wizard Chavo Guerrero in a random (and forgotten) match on TV in 2009.

Anyone reading this likely watches a lot of wrestling every month, so it's no wonder many have forgotten some of the stuff featured here. Welcome to a world in which incoming WCW stars call WWF pay-per-views "boring" and get away with it...

10. Stone Cold’s Awkward Return

Edge Paul Bearer Kidnap

March 2020 was a time, people.

The global COVID pandemic had just hit, and WWE was forced behind closed doors. Shows like Raw and SmackDown were immediately moved to the quaint Performance Center, and that gave the 16 March episode ("3:16 Day") of the flagship a unique feel. "Unique" would be a kind way to describe Steve Austin's cameo appearance.

Edge had dazzled with an intimate and emotional promo earlier, but 'Stone Cold' was only there to chew up time, hit a stunner on Byron Saxton and generally act like some drunk dad gatecrashing a party that had already fizzled out. It's no wonder many have burned this from memory around four years on. It was horrible.

Even Austin himself later acknowledged how crap the segment was. He claimed he'd tried to get Vince McMahon to change things up shortly before hitting the ring, but the ex-boss wasn't game for it. Nah, apparently making 'Stone Cold' one of the most boring and out of touch characters on the planet was the way to go instead.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.