Wild Sh*t Wrestling Did You’ve TOTALLY Forgotten About

7. D-Generation X Promotes WCW

Edge Paul Bearer Kidnap

D-Generation X got a ton of mileage out of screwing Bret Hart at Survivor Series 1997. Shawn Michaels slapped a diminutive version of the 'Hitman' around, then the DX team decided to take the p*ss out of staunch Bret ally Jim Neidhart and send him packing down to Atlanta. The fact they did it nWo style is incredible.

On the 1 December 1997 Raw, Triple H beat Neidhart then DX spray painted “WCW” on his back for a quick giggle. Jim left the WWF pretty much instantly after that, then debuted on the 12 January 1998 Nitro. Not a lot of fans ever really bring this up when reminiscing about the 'Monday Night Wars', but it was a huge moment.

Imagine, if you will, Sheamus had sprayed “AEW” on Adam Copeland’s back right before the former Edge left WWE, for example. That just wouldn't have happened, because there's no way WWE would want to display a competitor's literal acronym for all to see on their own programming.

Nobody gave a toss about that in '97, it seems.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.