Wild Sh*t Wrestling Did You’ve TOTALLY Forgotten About

6. TNA’s WWE Hall Of Fame Ring Reverence

Edge Paul Bearer Kidnap
TNA/IMPACT Wrestling

Do yourself a favour. Grab a friend/group of friends, buy some beverages of your choice, then sit down to watch a few episodes of either WCW in 2000 or TNA in 2010. It's great fun, if only 'cause some of the content you'll witness will have you howling. Case in point: Hulk Hogan and Abyss on the 18 February 2010 episode of IMPACT.

Hogan cornered a cowering Abyss (?!) and told him he was sick of seeing the monster shake. So, to inspire confidence, Hulk gave Abyss his WWE Hall Of Fame ring and claimed it would make him the “God of wrestling”. What an OTT idea. Also, TNA bowing down to the WWE HOF when they wanted to try compete with the market leader was certainly a decision.

No wonder they were a distant number two, brother.

In storyline, TNA hardcores were supposed to believe that simply wearing Hogan's cast-off Hall Of Fame ring would give Abyss magical powers. Predictably, this only worked for a short spell before the creative team got bored of their own rubbish and moved on to other things.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.