Wild Sh*t Wrestling Did You’ve TOTALLY Forgotten About

4. Edge Kidnaps Paul Bearer

Edge Paul Bearer Kidnap

Strap yourselves in like your name's Paul Bearer and you're quite literally strapped to a chair courtesy of so-called babyfaces. That happened to the famous manager multiple times during the final few years of his iconic WWE career. The madness all started in 2010 when Edge decreed war on Kane by kidnapping Paul.

This was such a bizarre story, because it's hardly like Bearer or Kane were the most sympathetic figures. One was a chargrilled potential necrophiliac, and the other the kind of chap who courted chaos by encouraging arson. So, by The Undertaker family tree standards, Edge getting into the kidnapping game was tame stuff.

Things got darker when the 'Rated-R Superstar' tricked Kane into potentially murdering Paul. It was an elaborate scheme that saw Bearer take a nasty tumble, but fans weren't buying what WWE was selling. Shockingly, the promotion tried to shill a rinse and repeat version of this story again just a few short years later.

Edge was out and...


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.