Wild Sh*t Wrestling Did You’ve TOTALLY Forgotten About

3. Randy Orton Kidnaps Paul Bearer

Edge Paul Bearer Kidnap

...his old Rated-RKO partner Randy Orton was in.

On the 23 April 2012 Raw, Randy paid tribute to Edge by kidnapping Bearer whilst feuding with Kane. The 'Big Red Monster' (not the one who attacked The Street Profits and Viking Raiders) saved Paul, but then changed his mind and locked him in a freezer. Why? Just because he could. Embrace the hate, y'know?

Unlike the Edge stuff from 2010, this escapade would end up being Bearer’s final appearance before his death away from the cameras in real life. It was a strange way to go out, and many likely don’t recall it at all. Paul was stuffed in the freezer like Kane was playing Tomb Raider II on PS1 and fancied playing that trick on the wobbly butler.

How about Orton then? He beat his rival in a 'Falls Count Anywhere' match at Extreme Rules that weekend, then moved on from kidnapping to a different path: Violating WWE's Wellness Policy and getting himself suspended for 60 days.



Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.