Wrestling Moves That LOOK Horrible (...But Are Actually Totally SAFE!)

9. Codebreaker

Randy Orton headbutt Cody Rhodes.jpg

Another move that more often than not does more damage to the person unleashing it than the individual on the other end, the Codebreaker/Recoil used by the likes of Chris Jericho and Ricochet is one of the most effective "out-of-nowhere" attacks out there.

Diving up to meet their opponent before yanking them back down to the earth with their knees up, how could bone-to-face ever not be a horrible experience?

Well, what is actually happening here is that the giver is taking the full impact of the only bump really needed, driving their own back into the mat. The Codebroken foe then typically just drops to their knees, sells the face-to-knee impact like they've been knocked for a loop, and sometimes throws in a cheeky not too horrific back bump for the hell of it.

So, apart from a slightly sore pair of knees if you're not wearing the right protection, this single-knee facebuster is seemingly a quite safe way to end a battle.

You'll always get the odd dramatic and super athletic person who chooses to bend their body into a disturbing position when taking this one, admittedly. But for the average performer, being Recoiled isn't really as bad as it looks.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...