Wrestling Timelines: The Ministry Of Darkness

8. Shane McMahon And The Undertaker Form The Corporate Ministry (April 29, 1999)

The lines were blurred in the storyline when Shane McMahon turned on his father and joined The Undertaker. On the pilot episode for the new Smackdown program, things came to a head, but Shane had been at odds with Vince for a month or so beforehand. According to Shane, this new union was called The Corporate Ministry. Ironically, it would pave the way for The Union, a group of former Corporation members (including Ken Shamrock and The Big Boss Man) formed with the blessing of Vince McMahon. Suddenly, some of the infernal elements of The Ministry Of Darkness were toned down a little.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.