Wrestling's 10 Greatest Kay-Baes

8. Daffney

AJ Lee

David Flair had the age-old struggle of anybody who follows a parent into a career. Accusations of nepotism and lack of originality flourish like rancid weeds. This situation is heightened in the case of second-generation wrestlers.

Early in David’s WCW career, his father awarded him the WCW United States Championship, which came along with a copycat makeover. David’s hair was dyed platinum blonde, he wore his own bedazzled robe to the ring, and he was (briefly) accompanied by Kay-Bae Torrie Wilson.

Quickly losing his title, Flair languished until he was paired with Daffney. His psychotic goth girlfriend was a mixture of DC’s Harley Quinn and Mallory Knox (Juliette Lewis) from the film Natural Born Killers. Though Daffney was a favourite amongst fans, and often a scene-stealer, she elevated Flair to be his own man, challenging him to descend into madness.

She led Flair and Crowbar to tag title gold but also became a solo titleholder herself winning the Cruiserweight Championship through convoluted circumstances. Aside from title success, the love triangle between Flair, Daffney, and his real-life girlfriend Stacy Keibler, kept Flair relevant away from his father’s ongoing feuds and storylines.

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AJ Lee
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An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.