Wrestling's 10 Most Embarrassing Music Gimmicks

1. George Ringo

Mike Saxon

With a rather obvious portmanteau culled from the less appreciated half of the Fab Four, George Ringo was billed as 'The Wrestling Beatle'. Remember, this was back in the '60s when copyright infringement apparently wasn't nearly the big deal it is today.

As for what's so embarrassing about the gimmick...just look at that f**cking picture. LOOK AT IT! He looks like an overgrown toddler with a full load in his diaper who knows you just want him to shut up and take a nap but is more than prepared to throw an epic tantrum if you try to take that stupid guitar away from him.

Information about the character is scarce, since the guy who played George Ringo (Chicagoan Bob Sabre) was used as enhancement talent at a time when record-keeping wasn't exactly all the rage in professional wrestling.

What we do know about him is this: The guy who discovered him, Bob Luce, admitted in an interview shortly after his first match that he was not a good wrestler. At all. Apparently he was ahead of the curve with the whole "bashing opponents over the head with his guitar" bit, though, as he was one of the first guys to use his instrument as a weapon.

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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.