Wrestling's 10 Most Embarrassing Music Gimmicks

2. P.N. News

Mike Saxon

When debating which is the absolute worst rapping gimmick in the history of the WWE, it usually comes down to two options: P.N. News and Men on a Mission. But hey, at least the creative team was smart enough to utilize a manager as MOM's mouthpiece/head rapper. P.N. news was afforded no such help.

Besides looking like a pastier version of Heavy D who hired Richard Simmons as his personal shopping assistant, PN News embodied all the worst aspects of what rap music had become at the beginning of the '90s.

Every other word that came out of his mouth was "yo". His rhymes were spit with the enthusiasm and charisma of Eeyore after suffering a bad heat stroke. And perhaps worst of all, people in the crowd cheered the hell out of his guy's lame, faux-rap schtick. Then again, most people at a WCW show in 1991 were just happy to be far, far away from I.R.S. and The Mountie.

Watching any promo where P.N. News attempted to freestyle - as he did in one particularly dreadful segment on Dusty Rhodes' Bull Drop Inn - made you pine for the sophisticated stylings of MC Hammer.

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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.