Wrestling's 10 Most Embarrassing Music Gimmicks

9. 3 Count

Mike Saxon

Was 3 Count intended as a parody of boy bands? Or did Eric Bischoff just have his finger so far off the pulse in 1999 that he thought the bastardized, vanilla version of R&B had any place in wrestling? That depends on who you ask. But also, it definitely doesn't matter because 3 Count was a terrible gimmick either way.

A lot of wrestling fans claim to genuinely like this gimmick in retrospect. And every single one of those people should be monitored weekly by a mental health professional.

Look, it's fine if you want to poke fun at boy bands every week on Monday Nitro. And it's even fine if you want to toss together a group of jobbers to embody the Backstreet Boys of the world so that we can watch Scott Steiner or Booker T rip through them like piñatas. But don't waste Shane Helms' talent by making him lip sync and two-step around the ring in a worse version of Too Cool.

The already bad gimmick was elevated to outright awful under the "leadership" of Evan Karagias, a man who constantly sounded like every sentence he spoke was the first fully-formed thought he'd managed to put together in several years.

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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.