Wrestling's 10 Most Embarrassing Music Gimmicks

7. The Roadie

Mike Saxon

First of all, is there any ancillary member of a rock band who gets s**t on more than the roadie? Well, besides the drummer...

Also, why did Jeff Jarrett need a roadie in the first place? As far as I could tell, the guy never actually booked a gig in his life and the only thing he ever brought to the ring was a single acoustic guitar and an obnoxious hat that would've forced Elton John to slap some damn sense into him.

It's honestly pretty uncanny how spot-on - and thus, painfully nondescript - The Roadie's attire was upon his debut, though. Backwards baseball cap on top of a bandana, bum-bag, cut-off gloves, towel constantly at the ready. Nailed it!

But accuracy aside, The Roadie was pretty much doomed for failure from the start.

Granted, the basic concept here was for The Roadie to eventually overshadow his boss once he was revealed as the real musical talent in their tandem - an idea which bore much less fruit than WWE anticipated - but even once he turned face and started donning cowboy hats and cutoff Western shirts, he was never believable in the role.

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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.