Wrestling's 10 Most Embarrassing Music Gimmicks

4. Michael Saxon

Mike Saxon

There's a thin line between an homage and a rip-off, and Michael Saxon moonwalked right the hell over it before tripping over himself and tumbling backwards down the steep slope of obscurity.

Everything about Saxon's look was pulled directly from The King of Pop's post-Thriller wardrobe - including the famous sequined jacket - but unfortunately, the one thing WWE forgot to borrow was MJ's charisma and technical ability. Oh, and also his pants.

For reasons known only to Vince McMahon, Saxon - whose soundalike name was so important to the gimmick that it was frequently misspelled as "Mike Sexton" on the graphic overlay - never once wore pants to the ring, instead opting for the most boring, washed-out pair of trunks they could find on the top layer of a dumpster.

And then there was the small matter of his "showmanship." Both his pre-match dancing and in-ring work could be generously described as "what happens when you sprain your ankle at a wedding reception but still insist on showing everyone you're really good at breakdancing."

It's entirely possible that Michael Saxon is responsible for the eventual downfall of Michael Jackson's career. It was bad. You know it. Shamone.

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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.