The Undertaker's 10 Most Embarrassing Moments

7. Dying And Rising

With Taker specially building a larger casket just for Yokozuna it seemed as if Undertaker would cruise to victory at the 1994 Royal Rumble. This wasn't the case. Since the match was technically a no-DQ affair, Mr. Fuji and Yokozuna enlisted a bevy of baddies to help subdue, beat up, and immobilize the Dead Man. Yokozuna finally rolled his opponent into the casket, closed the lid, and won the match. What happened next is the prime example of a classic Undertaker moment. It was both utterly absurd and yet completely memorizing. A series of fantastical events, one more far-fetched as the next, saw images of Undertaker talking from the inside the casket, then exploding, and then seeing his body rise through the air. There was talk of dying, and spirits, and being reborn, and all sorts of other nonsense. While compelling in the moment, after the smoke had cleared, literally, it really was all quite embarrassing. Especially when immediately after 29 men (Bastion Booger had "become ill") came out to compete in the Royal Rumble like nothing strange had just taken place.

My first WWE Network search? Mideon.