The Undertaker's 10 Most Embarrassing Moments

6. Taker Vs. Taker

Undertaker's sabbatical after his Casket Match loss to Yokozuna unfortunately led to a series of regrettably moments for the Dead Man. With Taker dead, re-spawning, or whatever it is they wanted fans to believe, his absence left a void in the struggling WWE. WWE Magazine did their part to keep the buzz about Taker alive by featuring the Dead Man in a series of poorly photo-shopped photographs depicting him in a variety of tourist hot spots around the globe. That was silly enough but what they did on TV next was even worse. Ted Dibiase was growing a stable of largely washed up and fading Superstars at the time but he shockingly revealed his newest acquisition...The Undertaker! But something wasn't right. Although the clothes and the move set were the same it was clear this Undertaker was a pale imitation to the real thing. But what better way to legitimize the angle then to enlist the help of Leslie Neilsen to crack the case, which is what WWE did. In the end, the real Undertaker, with a purple accent color, came back to square off against Corporate Undertaker proving while mirror matches in fighting games might be fun, this was anything but. Years later, never learning their lesson, WWE attempted to do something similar with Kane with even more disastrous results.

My first WWE Network search? Mideon.