The Undertaker's 10 Most Embarrassing Moments

5. Parent's Caskets At this point it's not exactly clear which of the half-brothers killed their parents in a fire. Whether it was Kane or Undertaker it doesn't quite matter but back in 1997, the remains of Undertaker's parents were integral in an especially embarrassing affair on Monday Night Raw. Not only was Kane physically imposing and a threat to Taker upon debuting as his long locked away brother, due to his unique circumstances he could play mind games with Undertaker like no other opponent had been able to do (with perhaps the exception of early Mankind). One night during the height of feud, Kane and Paul Bearer unveiled a set of two caskets at the top of the ramp. What happens next can only be properly appreciated when said out loud: Paul Bearer announced them to be the actual unearthed caskets of Undertaker's parents. Kane then set his father's casket on fire and then chokeslammed Undertaker through the top of his mother's casket and crashing onto her exhumed remains. Offensive on so many levels how can anyone go back to arm bars and headlocks after that? While some might see the angle as high quality entertainment try explaining that segment to a non-wrestling fan. After they stare at you in disgust, pity, or scorn, prepare yourself to feel as ridiculous as the whole segment actually was.

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