WWE: 10 Best Drinking Games To Play When Watching Wrestling

4. Interference And Interruptions

Time Period: Any Rule: Drink when a superstar interferes in a match in any capacity (even just music playing) or someone interrupts when someone is talking in the ring. In wrestling very little seems to go smoothly for superstars. If someone grabs a microphone it is rare that they are the only person that will be speaking before they go backstage. Often even the person interrupting can find themselves interrupted by someone else. Whilst less frequent, the same goes for matches. Any rival wrestler loves to make their presence felt as frequently as they can, especially if it means costing their nemesis a victory in the process or maybe laying the boot in themselves. Or maybe they are helping out a partner or getting the attention of a champion. No matter what the reason, it happens a lot and drinks ensue. Worst Offenders: Attitude Era, WCW, Anything Vince Russo was in charge of, Final Raw before a multi-person PPV main event (e.g. Royal Rumble, Elimination Chamber, Money in the Bank, Survivor Series, Bragging Rights) Particularly brutal when combined with the next rule...

3. When A Superstar Turns Face/Heel

Time Period: Any Rule: Take a shot if a superstar turns face or heel Usually saved for a big surprise moment, the 'turn' of a superstar is a writers ace in the hole. As well as providing a shock for the audience it can serve so many other purposes such as starting a new feud between former allies, launching a tag team wrestler into a singles career or freshening up a superstar whose act is growing stale. Examples of these effective turns are Shawn Michaels turning on Marty Jannetty, Hulk Hogan joining the Outsiders to create the nWo and The Rock aligning with Mr McMahon to become the Corporate Champion. These are all examples of when a turn is executed effectively. Some writers, particularly a certain Vince Russo, tend to overuse the turn simply in an attempt to seem unpredictable and to continuously 'shock' the audience. The problem with that is that when happens so frequently, it loses the impact and generally results in a turn rarely actually providing any actual surprise. Vince McMahon being revealed as the "higher power" behind Stephanie McMahon's kidnapping for example. There is one other scenario for a superstar to make the turn and that is when forced by the fans. Such as Rocky Maivia being rejected by fans forcing a heel turn or more recently, Batista. Worst Offenders: Attitude Era, nWo era WCW, Anything Vince Russo was in charge of, Batista's return

Founder of ForTheRecordNews.com; he is a long time fan of wrestling, television, film, sports and video games from North Yorkshire.