WWE: 10 Best Raw Matches Of All Time

4. Tag Team Championship: Owen Hart and British Bulldog vs Shawn Michaels and Stone Cold Steve Austin (May 26th, 1997)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMwYgZEJ0DY A few months after "losing his smile" and vacating the WWE title, Shawn Michaels returned on Raw to partner up with fellow Texan Stone Cold Steve Austin as they challenged Owen Hart and the British Bulldog for the tag team championship. Despite being out of action for a lengthy period of time, Shawn proceeded to deliver one of his all time most electric performances as he began by erratically throwing himself to the outside on Bulldog and continued to bump around the ring as if he was negotiating his way around a trampoline. Owen and Bulldog eventually succeeded in wearing the Heartbreak Kid down and maintained their advantage through a tremendously manipulative lengthy heel beatdown, which included some great spots such as illegal man Owen running over to get in Austin's hot tempered face on the apron and then turning around to help hammer away at Michaels in the corner, whilst the Rattlesnake was busy being calmed down by the referee. The heels then got a taste of their own medicine in the finale though, as Michaels made the tag to Austin and told the ref to monitor Owen, whilst he sneakily superkicked Bulldog for Austin's winning pinfall in a classic false victim routine that brought an end to a highly charged and psychologically gripping tag team spectacle.
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"Growing up, Laurent was such an ardent fan of wrestling superstar Stone Cold Steve Austin that he actually attempted to send the Texas Rattlesnake a letter demanding that he defeat arch-nemesis The Rock at Wrestlemania 15. Oh hell yeah, it was all still very real to him back then dammit. As an aspiring writer of multiple genres and platforms, he has also recently co-authored a non-fiction movie e-book entitled 'Egos, Cliches, Flops and Lost Films: Examining the powerful madness of the movies' which is written in a similarly light hearted and informative style to his wrestling articles and which can be browsed and purchased by following the link below - http://www.amazon.com/Egos-Cliches-Flops-Films-ebook/dp/B0088YNTBC/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1339093928&sr=8-1"