WWE: 10 Best Raw Matches Of All Time

3. Steel Cage Match: Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit (June 11th, 2001)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06AdrH4rWYA The great thing about putting two guys like Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit in a steel cage is that you knew they'd each be mad enough to go through with the spots that most competitors only end up teasing for the live crowd. Such was the case when after several minutes of hard hitting action, Benoit locked his arms around Angle on the top rope as Angle clung desperately onto the cage structure. After a few pulls, it seemed inevitable that Angle would manage to fend off his opponent but Benoit's elbows to the back proved more ferocious than Angle's defensive elbows to his opponent's head and as the Olympic champion lost his grip, we were suddenly treated to the audacious spectacle of Benoit sending Angle flying down to the canvas with a breathtaking back to belly supplex. Amazingly, the two insanely brave men then managed to raise the stakes even further as Angle set up Benoit for a moonsault from the top rope, only to change his mind and climb to the top of the cage instead where he launched himself backwards, missed his target and came bouncing off the mat like a ping pong ball. Not to be outdone, Benoit then tired out his opponent with several supplexes and attempted to leave the cage only to find Austin leering from below with steel chair in hand. Instead of climbing back down, Benoit decided that whilst he was up there, he might as well add to the drama by throwing himself onto Angle with his signature diving headbutt. It's safe to assume that not many in attendance remember who won or lost that night because all that would have on their lips were three of the most incredible high spots ever witnessed on live wwe programming, and the incredible chemistry between the two men that made the battle enthralling as both an intelligent technical affair and a match that also exceeded the thrilling reputation of the gimmick.
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"Growing up, Laurent was such an ardent fan of wrestling superstar Stone Cold Steve Austin that he actually attempted to send the Texas Rattlesnake a letter demanding that he defeat arch-nemesis The Rock at Wrestlemania 15. Oh hell yeah, it was all still very real to him back then dammit. As an aspiring writer of multiple genres and platforms, he has also recently co-authored a non-fiction movie e-book entitled 'Egos, Cliches, Flops and Lost Films: Examining the powerful madness of the movies' which is written in a similarly light hearted and informative style to his wrestling articles and which can be browsed and purchased by following the link below - http://www.amazon.com/Egos-Cliches-Flops-Films-ebook/dp/B0088YNTBC/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1339093928&sr=8-1"